Tuesday 9 February 2016




  •  A coryza like syndrome is characterized by oculonasal discharge, pharyngitis and bronchitis are seen.
  • Bronchopneumonia is seen.
  • The pneumonic condition may persist for long time.

  • Characterized by loss of appetite, vomition and abdominal pain.
  • Semisolid faeces and foul smelling.
  • Faeces may contain blood.
  • Hemorrhagic enteritis seen in young puppies.


  • Manifested as swollen eye lids, conjunctivitis and purulent discharge from eyes.
  • Ulceration of cornea and transient keratitis may also located.

  • Characterized by restlessness, excitement, chewing movement, excessive salivation and convulsion.
  • Lymphopaenia is the distinct feature of distemper but this may not occur in dogs with delayed encephalitis.
  • A condition known as “old dog encephalitis” characterized by mental disorders, motor deterioration and death as clinical features.
  • The nervous form may be characterized by jerky movements of group of muscles.
  • The muscular spasms may be observed in the lips, cheeks, jaws, head, neck or limb muscles.


  • There is appearance of rash, vesicles and pustules on the body of the affected dog especially on the ventral aspect of the abdomen and on the inner parts of the thigh.
  • In some cases the skin of the foot pads and nose may become hard due to hyperkeratitis and the condition is ascribed as hardpad disease.

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Thursday 28 January 2016

Canine Distemper

It is also known as Canine influenza, Carre's disease & Hard pad disease.

  •  This is an acute febrile systemic,infectious and contagious disease of dog caused by morbili virus and the disease is characterized by biphasic/ diphasic fever, acute catarrhal inflammation of various mucous membranes, pneumonia and in some cases skin lesions and involvement of nervous system.
  • It is caused by Canine distemper virus is an enveloped single stranded RNA virus.
  • Genus- Morbili virus
  • Sub family- Paramyxovirinae
  • Family- Paramixoviridae
  • This disease has worldwide distribution except in hot and arid regions such as parts of Africa.
  • All members of Canidae (dog, fox, wolves, jackal),Mustelidae (ferret, otter, mink) etc are susceptible to Distemper.
  • High morbidity and mortality seen in affected dogs.
  • Foreign breeds are more susceptible than Indigenous breeds.
  • Disease are more common in age group of 3-6 month.
  • More the age lesser the rate of infection.
  • CD is most important among dogs.
  • High rise of temperature up to 103˚ to 104˚F.
  •          The nose of the dog will turn dry and hot and eyes will turn congested.
  • The animal is markedly depressed and refuses to take food.
  • After some time yellowish green discharge voided from eyes and nose.
  • The temperature is usually for 3-4 days and then drops.
  • Again 11th  or  12th  second rise of temperature occur with rhinitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis and bronchopneumonia.
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